The ONE video You MUST WATCH!

Disclaimer – The information below has been brought to our attention by sources worldwide.  It is meant to inform you, not scare you. If you’ve been vaccinated and have fears about your decision or experienced an adverse event, just know we love you and want to be there for you to support you any way we can. We do not judge. Our community is made up of both c19 vaxxed and unvaxxed.  We are fighting for you so no-one ever has to make drastic decisions without all the information, EVER again.

You Have Been Lied to!

The vax is NOT “safe and effective” like we’ve been told. The “powers that be” are using FEAR to get you to be compliant. The Truth will set you free. We’ve compiled tons of evidence to help waken the masses and adding more and more information. We love you and we’re pleading with you to get informed so we can stop the genocide and serious adverse events happening worldwide. 

This is the biggest Crime against Humanity in History 

Christine Anderson MEP Germany

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

Warning, this video is graphic and eye opening. This is what the news won’t show you. More revealing videos in the playlist below.  This is happening worldwide. 

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Pfizer Documents

They wanted to keep these documents secret for 75 years!!! A court ordered them to be released over 6 months. What were they trying to hide? 9 pages/1223 deaths during clinical trials over a mere 3 months and much much more since…

Grand Jury Evidence (Nurembury 2.0)
Evidence submitted from around the world and included in a grand jury inquiry. The information provided in this inquiry is made available for nations worldwide to hold those in health, politics and law enforcement accountable for their response to the pandemic and vaccines.

Investigation into Covid 19 Response ONTARIO Rev 1 July 1 2022

Report based fully on the numbers provided by the “experts” that our Government was telling us were “safe and effective”. Download, read and share. Everyone must know the truth!!  Get more info on this report from

CPS For Canada

Deaths in Canada

Open Adverse Events Reporting System

According to a Harvard Study, only 1% of adverse events are actually reported to this system.  Many doctors aren’t even aware it exists!

Get the latest data (USA based)

Canadian Adverse Reports


Other Research Information Sites


Check your shot lot #
Wonder if your particular shot was in the highest impacted adverse events category?


As of Aug 2022, over 63,100 medical practitioners and scientists worldwide have signed the Great Barrington Declaration opposing current covid 19 measures and recommendations.

Over 869,461 concerned citizens have added their names as well.  

Despite requests to view the scientific evidence that governments are using to say the vaccine is “safe and effective” or that  covid 19 virus has been isolated in any lab, anywhere in the world, the have NOT provided ANY information to substantiate their claims that there is a virus or that the vaccines are effective. 

Meanwhile SIGNIFICANT evidence contradicts the claims that the virus exists in natural form or that vaccines work. The evidence is growing. 

Requests are ignored. Nothing to see here attitude. Those that push are discredited and silenced. 

This is not science.

This is not democracy.

This is the biggest crime against humanity EVER. 

The WEF and global elites are at the head of it all!

Adverse Events Data in the News

Special thanks to Donna who has been printing and handing out this flyer to the public to educate.

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