World Freedom News: Netherlands Says Enough is Enough!

On July 5th, Dutch Farmers began blocking major roads, food distribution centers, borders, airports etc in protest of the Governments new mandate for them to cut nitrogen in the soils which would lead to lower crops and animal production for food supplies. They were given the ultimatum to do so or else forfeit their farms. Yah – not!!

Joining them – Italy, Germany, Macedonia, Poland and …. more to come!

This is part of the WEF agenda to starve the world and depopulate. The Netherlands is the 2nd largest food exporter behind the USA. Bill Gates owns 1/2 the farmland in the USA. He is WEF. Agenda 2030 at it’s finest. This is NOT about climate control. This is about depopulation – just like the jab has killed millions but those figures are kept buried (lot’s of unexplained, unexpected, unexplainable deaths).

More to come!

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