The truth behind the media lies about the freedom convoy.

 It’s two tales of two Freedom Convoys.

In the media, it is the worst of protests. For most Canadians it is, by far, the best phenomenon ever to sweep our country.

Every day, we see the media reports here (repeated by politicians and corporate-sponsored news across the globe) condemning the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy as a “dangerous” and “racist” display of “far right extremism.” The “giddy inchoate rage,”  (whatever that is) and chaos that must be quashed, violently by military, if necessary.

The contrast is stark between the media story and what we see with our own eyes.

Here is a Top 10 list of things the media say that differ from on-the-ground reality of Canada’s Freedom Convoy.

It uncovers the TRUTH behind

  • the apartment arson blame game
  • the PM big lies about association white supremacy, racism and masogynist
  • being wrongly labelled as anti-vaxxers
  • the lies about stealing from homeless
  • illegal blockades and angry protests
  • defacing memorials
  • and much more…

The truth is, the main stream media is a bunch of liars being paid off by government funding and feeding you propaganda to censor you from the truth.  You are being lied to so that you are kept from the truth.  Maybe it’s time to have an open mind and listen to what the freedom movement folks are saying. Hear their side. Do a little reading and research of your own. Use some critical thinking. AND maybe understand why this movement has gone global and why the media isn’t showing you the massive movement this has become. What are they hiding? Why don’t they want you questioning it? Why are they keeping you dumbed down and out of the loop? Heaven forbid, you knew the truth.

Read Full Article on Media Lies

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