Project Indigo Rain

Many parents are concerned about the current curriculuum and accessibility to books that promote sexualization and gender identity indoctrination to children as young as kindergardeners. This is a time of innocence and self-discovery. 

Surveys were completed by the children across the provinces and parents were sent home a notification about the survey that contained concerning questions.  

For MANY months (not just pride month) there have been many protests at school boards across Canada with parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and many other concerned citizens.  It has been portrayed in legacy media as a fight against the LGBTQ2++ community. We are aware this is a top-down coordinated effort to place bad actors into position and cause a rift between communities with different belief systems.  We must be smarter and understand this is not coming at us from a community level.  Use critical thinking.  Some taking this misinformation to heart, have come to stand as counter protestors without understanding this battle is not even about them. 

We have a diverse group of people in our Niagara 10-4 community and we won’t fall prey to the divisive tactics that come from the top-down.  We stand against the indoctrination and sexualization being forced-fed on kids in schools.  This is not and never has been a war against LGBTQ++ community.  But it’s obvious that  infiltrators and paid actors have been sent in to cause division and distraction.   It’s about protecting the innocence of our kids and allowing them to find their own self-identity while they develop on their path to adulthood.  Let kids be kids. PERIOD. 

Please take a moment to read the letter from Raven (Dana Metcalfe) who began project Indigo Rain”.  

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