News: Ottawa was a Peaceful and Lawful Protest

First appeared in the Farmers Forum

April 13, 2022

Alberta lawyer Keith Wilson, who has represented Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich, argues that an Ontario judge agrees that the Ottawa protest was peaceful and lawful.

Attached below is the Court injunction on honking. Go to the second page. Read point number 7.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Mr. McLean wrote on Feb. 7: “THIS COURT ORDERS that, provided the terms of this Order are complied with, the Defendants and other persons remain at liberty to engage in a peaceful, lawful and safe protest.”

Lawyer Keith Wilson argues that Justice McLean sees the protest as peaceful and lawful because that is exactly how he described it.

The protest detractors might argue that the judge is referring to a peaceful protest in general, not necessarily the protest on Wellington Street and surrounding areas. However, there is no other protest. The only protest in question is the Freedom Convoy protest. The judge does not dissuade the protestors from carrying on their protest in any way other than curbing the honking of horns.

The judge also used the words “remain at liberty” as in the defendants and others may continue to engage in a peaceful, lawful and safe protest. Odd terminology unless the protest was indeed peaceful, lawful and safe.

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