Social Credit Score / Digital ID


It's not just about the c19 experimental jab...

The Trojan Horse

Video 2

At the G20 summit in Indonesia Nov 2022, world leaders signed a declaration that gives the World Health Organization power to implement digital ID and mandate vaccinate worldwide. 

What you faced this past few years will be nothing compared to allowing this to happen. 

Watch this video to learn why stopping the digital vaccine passport/digital ID is REALLY all about. 

You are not a slave. You are a sovereign being, FREE. Stand up. Speak out. Watch this video and check out the information under “Why we’re here” in the link above. This is not over till we all say no. 


Do you know that IN LOCKSTEP WITH world elites who meet at Davos,  WHO and the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (a non-elected organization) “penetrated” world governments (according to a statement from it’s own leader Klaus Schwab) are now trying to create a one world government under socialist/communist and totalitarian ideologies?  They are working towards slave colonies ruled by the elite and not by government.  It’s time to wake up and understand what’s happening in the world.

These elite will force this universal social credit system on you or else you will NOT HAVE access to:

  • healthcare
  • financial system, including access to your own money
  • tax return funds, benefits, social security and any other government check
  • access to shopping in store or online (the gates at Wallymart)
  •  farmers and consumers
  • not sell anywhere
  • travel/mobility
  • humanitarian responses
  • social media account
  • internet providers
  • smart cities/15 min city (really an encampment
They can shut you off, shut you down, shut you OUT!  They’ve already started implementing mass surveillance and gating systems at Canadian box stores under the guise of theft reduction. It’s a lie.  Check your local walmart.  What do you know about 15 min “smart” cities? Push to electric vehicles? Digital Currency? Look at what’s happening in China. It’s coming unless we stop it.

They don’t even hide it. It’s all in the WEF website and Klaus Scwhabs book “the Great Reset”.  This website provides tons of information and there’s so much more info out there. Once you know, you see things more clearly.

Don’t be a SLAVE,   SPEAK UP,  SPEAK OUT!!!!!!  Use CASH whenever you can and STOP using digital cards – including point cards – YOU are being conditioned in order to further the elite agenda of corporate rule over you. Your silence will cost EVERYONE!


Digital ID Cliff Notes

You will be tracked EVERYWHERE. (facial recognition and digital id)

You will no longer have any privacy.

You will be give a social credit score (like demerit points) which control every aspect of your life. Control will no longer be in your hands. You will not be “free”.

This system is already in use in Communist China.

5G is not your friend!

Over 33 million cell phone numbers were given to the government by telus without your consent, during the plandemic, to “track and trace”, a serious breach of privacy. 

Canada plans to “test” with Netherlands using KTDI (See below). All under the guise of “safety”. 

The c19 passport was a test of your compliance level. They sucked you into a narrative of “giving up your freedom for “safety”.  Listen to their words. Go back and listen to the old videos starting March 2020. (Remember: Do your part, keep other’s safe, protect the one’s you love, etc etc) They played on your fear. They did the same thing to Jewish people during WW2. Segregation. It’s not ok. 

Do your own research. Here’s some to get you started…

Social Credit System & Digital ID

Brief Description by Gov of Canada

China’s Corporate Social Credit System_ How businesses can prepare (5pages)

Chinas_Corporate_Social_Credit_System (95pages)


Resources (more info)

Lots of research, video and evidence that this is already happening. 

Stop the Digital ID

15 minute cities

They Lied

Stop the WHO

Stop the WEF


The WEF comprised of corporations and leaders are busy at work aiming to collect your personal data with the KTDI program.


KTDI Website

Your personal information is NONE OF  the WEF business. 

Own nothing and be happy? says WEF

The World Economic Forum is a non-elected organization influencing world leadership and governance. Why aren't you questioning that? Let's take a glimpse...

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The Trojan Horse

Watch this video to learn why stopping the digital vaccine passport/digital ID is REALLY all about.

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