Online Registration is now closed.  Please contact 780-993-3884 if you still want to register. Cash at door only. Limited spots left. All proceeds from this event will be donated to Jay’s defense fund. Etransfer Registration and donations can be made to  Password jayjay

Location Details

We are graciously being hosted at a private property in Wainfleet area.

Here’s the address:  64087 Wellandport Road, Wainfleet.
It’s the property by the shop area. You will find us! 

Time: 2-8pm EST

There is lots of parking along the roadside (please park on one side of street only if possible and follow our parking volunteers and signs.) Shuttles will be available for those parked further up the road. Please leave driveway area parking for those with physical challenges and for VIP guests. 

Please check-in at registration and get your wristband. If we did not receive an eTransfer from you and you’re paying cash-at-door, you will get your wrist band upon payment. 

Please bring your lawn chairs for sitting. This is an outdoor event. 

There will be a food truck available between 2-8pm to purchase foods.

Each person registered will be entered for the meat draw. 

There’s further opportunities to win from our raffle ticket table to increase your chances!  Plus draws for 50-50, an auction and more!

We can’t wait!  Lots of great surprises! 

A huge thanks goes out to all our Special Guest Entertainers, MC, volunteers, Door prize sponsors, Draw donators, Auction donator and especially Jim (property owner).  

And a massive thanks to everyone who registered and/or donated to this fundraising event to make it a big success.  

We appreciate you Jay (Melissa and family)! We’re all here standing with you, full of support, prayers, and loads of love. 


Carolyn and Karen

P.S. If you know someone who wants to come and hasn’t registered yet, please have them text 780-993-3884 with their name for the registration table.  They can pay cash at arrival and get their wristband. 

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