Ivermectin finally recognized as cure for Covid

Scientists across the pond in Australia acknowledge what the Frontline doctors in the USA have been saying – Ivermectin cures covid.  The media vilified the medicine as a horse de-wormer and the medical industry forbade it’s use and cancelled any doctors who prescribed it’s use.

Watch this Video:


For all those who lost a loved one because they used remdesivir (an unproven drug pulled from trials early because of it’s endless failures)  along with ventilators and hardcore sedation drugs, only to suffer serious loss WHILE they suppressed and bad-mouthed doctors here in north america about Ivermectin – I hope this awakens you.  People needlessly died.  Doctors and scientists were silenced at the expense of millions of lives. Why? To push the pharmaceutical “emergency use only” genetic experiment on people that could only be offered if NOTHING ELSE was available to treat covid. This is deplorable.   Did you know that deals were made with them for 10 doses per person in many countries – paid in advance?  Think logically about that – 10 per person. For a drug that doesn’t stop covid or it’s spread and proven not to be effective.   AND NOW they reveal the real cure – 3 years later – a drug that was here all along, costs little and disappeared from availability.

Just take some time to let this sink in. How many doses have you had? What happens to the extra not used?  Critical thinking! Start asking questions.

Our community has been screaming this from the rooftops to those who would listen and were vilified and censored for speaking out.

We’re here to support you however we can.  Reach out. The truth won’t be comfortable but as humans you deserve to know it.

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