Great reset- Eat bugs and be happy

If we remain silent, this is what our diet will be looking like in just a few years. If the WEF has its Way, we will have a one world government and corporations will be ruling the world. According to the WEF who created this food graph, You could look forward to eating bugs the crickets and worms for your Protein.

I don’t know about you, but last time I checked God gave us land to grow fruit and vegetables, raise livestock, and grow crops.  Now land is being bought up by the elites of this world like Bill Gates (270,000 acres), one of the largest landowners in the USA, and for what?  What Is he buying this land for?

It’s time to wake up do your research get your head out of the sand and see what’s really going on in this world. I’m sorry to say to you, there are truly evil people in this world who will stop at nothing to control you or destroy you. Sooner you realize this the better.

 You are living in the biggest country takeover war in history and letting your freedom disappear.  Learn more about the great reset. the great reset. 

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