Thank you for registering. PLEASE CHECK EMAIL INBOX OR SPAM FOLDER in the next 30min.

We just sent you a copy by email of the registration details you submitted.   The email address must be valid for you to receive information.

If you didn’t receive an email within the next 30 minutes, check your spam/junk folder in email in a few minutes to see if it ended up there.

If you don’t see the email at all send an email to to see if we received your info and we will check.  Add this email to your contact list!!!

The confirmation email includes etransfer information.  Your name(s) will be added to the guest roster once an etransfer is received for all registered guests.

We will send you an email with exact location details at least 24 hours prior to the event. General location is Wainfleet area.

Thanks for supporting this fundraiser to help Jay.

See you on June 2!

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