
International Grand Jury Evidence

Opening Statements of the Grand Jury trial found in the video above. For the entire trial videos, please click here.  Although these proceedings are a model for which international trials can present evidence from, the evidence contained in these videos are all admissible in a court of law.  This is just the beginning of Nuremburg […]

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The Nuremburg Code

The Nuremberg Code The code has ten requirements: 1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent: should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice without the intervention of any element of force, fraud,

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News: Ottawa was a Peaceful and Lawful Protest

First appeared in the Farmers Forum April 13, 2022 Alberta lawyer Keith Wilson, who has represented Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich, argues that an Ontario judge agrees that the Ottawa protest was peaceful and lawful. Attached below is the Court injunction on honking. Go to the second page. Read point number 7. Ontario Superior Court

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Collection of Police Violence reports from Ottawa

Police4freedom has a section on their site for the collection of Police Violence reports from Ottawa and ANY other incidents involving unlawful police violence or coercion against peaceful, law-abiding citizens. If you or anyone you know has witnessed any such events, please send any photos, videos, or evidentiary texts to Police4Freedom at

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