
NDP call for Public Inquiry

BREAKING: NDP FOLLOW NCI’s LEAD AND ALSO CALL FOR COVID-19 INQUIRY! Your support for the National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI) is making history. We launched the NCI from Parliament on November 2. Today, less than two weeks later, the federal NDP also called for a public inquiry. This is what citizen leadership looks like. You made

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Chinese election interference

Six MPs demand Trudeau gov’t meet to discuss alleged Communist Chinese influence in 2019 election “A recent troubling media report revealed that Canadian intelligence officials informed the Prime Minister and several cabinet ministers in January of this year that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) actively worked to influence the 2019 Federal Election,” wrote the MPs“A

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The truth behind the media lies about the freedom convoy.

 It’s two tales of two Freedom Convoys. In the media, it is the worst of protests. For most Canadians it is, by far, the best phenomenon ever to sweep our country. Every day, we see the media reports here (repeated by politicians and corporate-sponsored news across the globe) condemning the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy as

The truth behind the media lies about the freedom convoy. Read More »

Trudeau Government is Spying on you

  Last year, information was released that 33 million cell phone records were released to government for track and tracing of Canadian people’s movements with our knowledge or consent.  This breach of privacy continues as reported by The Counter Signal, as investigations discover that the Privacy Commission had no previous knowledge of this, nor were

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West Lincoln Mayor stands firm with support

West Lincoln mayor, Dave Bylsma, was refused access as mayor to offer greetings at the Niagara 2022 opener event 13/13 August 8, 2022. Due to rain, the event was moved indoors and as mandates still apply, he could not enter the building in “official capacity” due to non-disclosure of his vaxx status. Meanwhile, he could

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News: Ottawa was a Peaceful and Lawful Protest

First appeared in the Farmers Forum April 13, 2022 Alberta lawyer Keith Wilson, who has represented Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich, argues that an Ontario judge agrees that the Ottawa protest was peaceful and lawful. Attached below is the Court injunction on honking. Go to the second page. Read point number 7. Ontario Superior Court

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You will own nothing and be happy? World Economic Forum…

Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic Forum and author of the book, COVID-19: The Great Reset. In September 2015 the 2030 Agenda was adopted by 193 United Nations Member States including Canada. Schwab’s book, which was released in July 2020, details how the pandemic is the perfect opportunity to hasten the implementation of the 2030 Agenda: You will

You will own nothing and be happy? World Economic Forum… Read More »

Collection of Police Violence reports from Ottawa

Police4freedom has a section on their site for the collection of Police Violence reports from Ottawa and ANY other incidents involving unlawful police violence or coercion against peaceful, law-abiding citizens. If you or anyone you know has witnessed any such events, please send any photos, videos, or evidentiary texts to Police4Freedom at

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