Under your nose!! W.H.O. being sneaky!

James Robuski has been calling out the lies for decades and when his sites were taken down, much of his work was lost with it. He decided to make the pandemic treaty his sole focus moving forward and has a great substack site that contains his findings.  In the USA he is encouraging people to write their political leaders to stop the treaty from being pushed through without properly vetting the draft and that the proper procedures for reviewing and voting are not being met.  See below for a copy of the information he includes to help write letters to the government.  

Did you know they weren’t following proper procedure and are pushing to get the treaty signed anyway??

The Members to the delegation to the 75th World Health Assembly were unwittingly involved in multiple violations of the International Health Regulations and the WHO Constitution.

The submission of document A75/A/Conf./7 by the United States and a number of other nations on May 24, 2022 was a clear violation of Article 55 of the International Health Regulations which requires at least 4 months notice for any proposed amendments.


Please do not attempt to claim that the submitted amendments were a technical addendum to document A75/18. That is not true, because A75/A/Conf./7 included the addition of a new authority in regards to Article 62 giving nations authority to submit reservations to amendments. This authority did not previously exist in the IHR and it was not included in document A75/18.


Four days later, on May 28, 2022 document WHA75/A75.R12 fraudulently claimed that the proposed amendments to Articles 55, 59, 61, 62 and 63 were adopted during the 8th Plenary Session of WHA75.


There is just one problem. No such vote ever occurred.

Evidence of this failure to conduct a proper vote (the recording of the 8th plenary session) has been removed from the WHO website.


This is a clear and egregious case of voting fraud and a clear violation of Article 60 of the WHO Constitution.


On November 28, 2023 a dozen members of the European Parliament demanded that the Director General provide evidence that a proper vote occurred. To this day, no evidence of a vote by the full plenary has been provided. The 2022 amendments must be declared by all nations to be null and void. 


On April 8, 2024, the WHO published document A77/8 fraudulently claiming that those amendments will enter into force on May 31, 2024. That is a fraudulent claim. No vote was ever held, so no entry into force can occur.


The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Netherlands and the nations of New Zealand and Slovakia have seen through this fraud and have officially rejected the 2022 amendments.

The United States must also reject these fraudulently adopted amendments.

The United States government (Office of Global Affairs) must officially demand evidence from the World Health Organization countering the WHO’s fraudulent claims regarding the purported adoption of the 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations. Evidence of a properly conducted vote is requested.

Source: Read more on James Substack

Now what?

So, the question is will the Canadian government reject this? Will they demand proof of this so-called vote? Will they brush it under the rug and vote our freedom away to a non-government organization?

If you come across any news around this scandal to push the WHO treaty through and Canada’s response or participation, please send us links to those resources so we can share it out.


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