Standing up for our  God-given RIGHTS and FREEDOMS.  

Stand up. Speak out. You are not alone!


On the 2 year anniversary of the Freedom Convoy (2022) a Federal judge rules the Emergencies Act Invocation was not justified and violated the Chart of Rights and Freedoms.

The Pfizer Contract with Canada – FOI release of contract and what you need to know about the deal made with your tax dollars (not to mention your lives!)

The WEF and 2800 specially invited unelected world elites meeting in Davos to determine your future.  

Stop the W.H.O from medical interference


What we now know about the genetic mRNA experiment they call vaccines: Adverse Events, Deaths, and investigations happening worldwide. Medical interference and muzzling of health care providers. Suppressed cures for c19 and more! They’ve been lying to us since before the scamdemic. Now it’s all coming out.

Stop the W.E.F. plan for a 'Great Reset'


How the Globalist Elite and the WEF are pulling the puppet strings of well-placed politicians running countries to form a new world order. Who wants to run the world? Their genocidal plan to depopulate the world. Find out what’s at stake if you don’t wake up soon. 

Save Food Supply from climate alarmist.

Unless you want to starve or eat crickets, you might want to learn about the WEF agenda to reduce farms and livestock.  Protect from Food Shortages, Supply chain issues, and Fuel issues. Stop carbon taxing.  The world is revolting and fighting back (See list of countries). This should all deeply concern you! 

Stop The Digital ID


The VaxxPass, Camera’s in Walmart, Video at self-checkouts, wrist scanners, KTDI for “secure” air travel, and more. Your privacy – GONE!  Learn more about the digit ID and social credit score communist system being pushed into democracies worldwide by elite totalitarians.

Stop Human Trafficking


Sad to say, but it’s all connected. This stuff is deep and we only scratch the surface, the rest you can research on your own. We live in a truly evil world. 

Bills in Parliament


You may want to keep your eye on Bills being passed in parliament that are stripping you of your bill of rights and freedoms.  Right under your nose. If you thought Hitler was bad, just wait till you see what the WEF and Elites have been doing while you’ve been asleep.  

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